The Glow Getter's Pregnancy Journey

The Glow Getter's Pregnancy Journey

Here we go again… round 2 of a mini glow getter coming soon, hence my recent absence from regularly writing blog posts. So, are we ready? (A question I ask ourselves regularly). Are you ever ready? I mean I am sure this time around it isn’t going to be such a shock, but it is a transition nonetheless!

When I had mouse, I truly had an identity crisis of sorts. I felt so uncomfortable in my own skin, it had changed so much throughout the pregnancy and giving birth. I had gained weight, which led to so many mixed emotions about myself and my confidence.

I was a 26 year old girl, I say girl because I exactly felt far too inexperienced to being a mum to little Mouse. I can recall having this out of body experience when I went to pick her up myself the first time out of the little cot they are put in at the hospital. And feeling so many emotions changing her little nappy for the first time. I love being a mum and look forward to adding another little one to our family, but it really took me a good few years to feel me, or maybe even to find who ‘me’ was…a wife, an entrepreneur, a business woman, a glow getter and most importantly…a mum!

Now, I don’t mean to sound all doom and gloom, but I want to be honest about what feels like almost a taboo subject to discuss. While my little Mouse was worth every moment of uncertainty and second guessing, the 6-12 months postpartum were tough. So after the initial excitement wore off after finding out I was expecting again, I promised myself that this time I would do a few things different. I would allow myself to not feel ok all the time, say no to things, not be so hard on myself, plus focus on my physical and mental health.

So I wanted to share my pregnancy journey and a little insight to how my first pregnancy went to compare the two. I hope all my fellow mamas-to-be both first-timers and seasoned mums can take away something that helps them through the rollercoaster and beauty of pregnancy.


Much like Mouse, I found out I was pregnant on the day I was due my period. Call it a gut feeling of sorts, I just knew straight away that something in my body had changed.

Hats off to all those mamas that suffer through their first trimester with horrible morning sickness. I have been so lucky both times with no actual vomiting, however around week 7 I started to have the strangest food aversions. Some of my aversions were foods I’ve loved for years: chicken in any shape or form and my beloved morning matcha. These aversions came with constant headaches, they felt like a constant pressure, and with a young one with a busy schedule…. afternoon naps at my leisure were not an option.

Funnily enough, not napping but exercising played a key role in helping alleviate my headaches. Throughout my entire pregnancy I have continued my usual exercising routine of getting my body moving every day - something I didn’t focus on as much the first time around.

I also definitely believe that the second time around you are much more confident and less worried about movement and shifts you feel from your growing little one. Again, this is so personal and everyone is different! Let me know what was different for you in the comments.

While I was good at exercising and doing whatever I could to subdue the headaches, one thing I was really struggling with was drinking still water. I can’t put my finger on it, something about it just made me feel ill. Enter: IN BLOOM DROPS! Our Discovery Collection has been a life saver for this. If you’re new here, I co-founded a natural water enhancer that comes in these 15ml sachets filled with a herbal distillate. They bring natural goodness and flavour that change the taste of your water while also benefiting from the herbs that create them!

The final part of my pregnancy journey in the first trimester I’d like to touch on was the relentless digestive issues. The most uncomfortable and embarrassing part of that was the excess gas (again, a taboo topic most don’t mention!). It’s not a great feeling when you already know your body is changing, but that those changes aren’t within your control.

Along this same thought process of feeling out of control, I will admit my confidence in myself goes down when I am pregnant. People perceive you in a way that you don’t always feel inside: that you’re glowing, radiant, excited and more beautiful than ever. Well more often than not, I don’t feel very confident or attractive when I am unable to see my toes, am grossed out by random foods, and am feeling exhausted, gassy or have a nagging headache. I know I’m not alone in this feeling and I hope none of my other expecting mamas feel alone about this either.

Pregnancy is a rollercoaster of highs and lows, my second time around has been no exception. While I’ve been fortunate in many, many aspects I still have moments where I lack confidence, feel unlike myself and struggle. Check in on pregnant friends and family, show them support especially in the first part of their journey!

THE SECOND (& now in the third) TRIMESTER

Starting on a good note, my energy levels came back around week 14 and have not subsided as of week 35 that I type this out! I have continued to carry on with regular exercise, the usual mama duties with Mouse while also working on In Bloom Drops and strategizing posts for the Conscious Glow Getter through the end of the year (hello, gift guides galore!).

As mentioned previously, I gained weight when I was pregnant with Mouse and I didn’t want to be ‘dieting’ as that’s not healthy either! So this time around I did the work beforehand to create a healthier relationship with food so when I did get pregnant again, I was making better food choices based on nourishment and health - with room for a sweet treat or two. I have not had excessive hunger, and am also not weighing myself regularly (I don’t think there is any good in doing this) and continue to get my steps in - I try 10k a day.

I also have put an emphasis on ‘me’ time, prioritised a self-care routine and of course consistently done my daily skincare routine which has definitely improved my hyper pigmentation. The skin changes in my last pregnancy are one of the catalysts of the Conscious Glow and how consistency and awareness to the products you use can really have life changing benefits to your skin health.

As I write this in my last few weeks of this journey, I have my last scan in just a few weeks and D ‘due’ day is creeping up soon! I am in Operation: Declutter mode to prepare, get everything set up (furniture is still en route!) and getting ahead on work.

Despite being farther along, this time I am working harder at everything during the second trimester: work, life, body image, health, exercise and creating a positive balance to ensure a more seamless transition of stepping back from things when our newest addition has been welcomed to the world.

Being pregnant is a journey and you are constantly reminded your body is not yours within these nine months: from how others treat you, to how you feel, to also the feeling of a little person wriggling inside your tummy!

Some final thoughts from the second trimester: Whatever sense of control you have of your body, hone in on that, don’t be hard on yourself, put yourself first and do what makes YOU feel good. For this time around, that has been regularly exercising, not over-indulging and keeping a consistent wellness routine have made all the difference to ensure both our newborn and my mental and physical health thrive as we enter the final weeks.

the top 5 habits I’ve Done Differently During My Second Pregnancy

To make me feel more…me!

  1. Exercise - I have kept it consistent with what I was doing pre-pregnancy, obviously certain exercises have adapted or changed completely. Having a personal trainer has been great to assist with these changes and how I can incorporate into my own daily workouts. On busy days even a half hour walking on the treadmill makes all the difference!

  2. Healthy Food Routine - I’ve been focusing on nourishing, anti-inflammatory recipes that I make for myself and the whole family. This change has made me feel really energetic and better than last time.

  3. Regular Massages - The Cellulite Slayer’s treatments have worked wonders. They obviously adapted certain techniques because of pregnancy, but it has helped with general aches and pains but most importantly keeping the water retention at bay. These massages have also been nice to have an hour to my self and switch off as much as possible.

  4. Skincare Routine - I have been adapting certain products based on my skin needs but consistently made time for my skincare in the morning and evening. I’ve added in regular facial appointments and of course lathering myself with body oils to keep the stretch marks at bay.

  5. Staying Focused On Work - I have never been busier between The Glow Getter, In Bloom Drops and studying for my ACCA qualification. I have kept on working to continue staying social, busy and challenging myself. I wouldn’t advise this for everyone, but for me I have really enjoyed learning something new across all three which present different skillsets and creative problem solving.

As always I love to hear your feedback and any questions you may have. You’re are all on this journey with me and I can’t wait to share more news as we welcome out newest addition into the world!

XO Steph