Glowing Reviews: Naturopathica

Glowing Reviews: Naturopathica

Excited to share another brand review, this time featuring Naturopathica! This spa brand based in the US is bringing their incredible products across the pond where you can find it at Fenwick. I was kindly gifted a range of their products to try and fell in love with their conscious formulations and nourishing products that left my skin more glowing than ever. We keep it real + transparent here on The Conscious Glow Getter so while getting gifted products is definitely a perk, I only recommend and highlight what I would actually re-purchase and use long after being gifted them. Keep reading to see what makes this brand so special, my top picks and more.

1. Manuka Honey Cleansing Balm £60

The first product that will probably be in my skincare routine for many, many seasons to come is my dream cleansing balm, (my favourite type of cleanser). The consistency is just so nourishing, melts away makeup and daily grime while also smelling divine of manuka honey!

How I use? Add some product and rub in between fingertips. Apply to your face in circular motions on the face while taking a nice deep breath. Wet a Face Halo with lukewarm water and wipe your face clean. Use the rest of your skincare accordingly!

Why I love? No tightening feeling after, takes off my makeup, makes my skin glow. While I won’t be sharing it, it has a wonderful gender-neutral scent of honey that my hubby would enjoy as well (but he’ll have to buy his own!).

2. Manuka Honey hydrating gel mask £54

The next product I loved has that same incredible smell with manuka honey: the hydrating gel mask. It’s gentle enough to leave on for as long as you’d like whether that’s overnight, while watching a 30 minute show or just a quick 10 minutes!

How I use? Before bed I lather a small layer on my skin before hitting my silk pillow for the night! I wake up to hydrated skin that is ready to tackle whatever the day throws at me.

Why I love? For me, it really rejuvenated my skin and left it with a natural and nourished glow. Sometimes masks can leave your skin feeling sticky or irritating, but that won’t be the case here. I’ll be buying this as a gift for my friends who could use a little indulgent treat to relax and unwind.

3. Calendula essential hydrating cream £60

To round out the trio of products I tried and loved from Naturopathica is the Calendula Essential Hydrating Cream. This product for me sums up the brand: nothing harsh, nothing too active but the right balance to assist in locking in moisture and nurturing not torturing your skin. Calendula is an ingredient very common in great baby skincare products, which just showcases the thoughtful formulations that allow those with sensitive skin to use this product with confidence.

How I use? I apply this after my Vitamin C serum in the AM and pre-SPF application.

Why I love? This assists in improving the skin barrier and soothes any sensitivity. It’s lightweight but really makes a difference in hydrating your skin. After using for a couple weeks now I can notice a difference in how unbelievably soft my skin is!

Longtime followers will know how I love to set up my at home facial treatment…give me a headband, a silk scruntchy and I am there with a new products so I was super excited to try my new goodies. I actually have two left to try that you’ll see featured on the blog and my social later this year. One is an eye serum and the other is a retinol night oil - I will use these post-summer when my UV exposure is less. I’m looking forward to seeing how these target my hyperpigmentation and boost collagen.

As always, do let me know if you have any questions about Naturopathica and any of the products I’ve tried by leaving a comment, sending me a DM or emailing Shop the entire Naturopathica collection of products at Fenwick right here in the UK!

xo steph