My Favourite Glow Getting Products of All Time

My Favourite Glow Getting Products of All Time

It’s my birthday this week and I want to celebrate with my fellow glow getters… all of YOU! The few past weeks I have been going through a rollercoaster of emotions about turning the BIG 30! I have been telling myself that it is ok, this is normal, its normal to think strange thoughts, or to superficially think about the process of ageing, and yes I know I’m not THAT old. However, this has been a time to reflect on the importance of nourishing your skin to age beautifully and gracefully! That inspired this blog post to share my favourite glow getting products of all time! Before I delve into that though I am going to reference here two amazing Doctors I have recently been in conversation with as I love their ethos about the process of ageing and how we can be protecting our skin.

Firstly, Dr Maryam Zamani who is the mastermind behind MZSKIN. Her ethos centers around the importance to REVEAL, ENHANCE and PROTECT our skin. Her ethos focuses on ageing gracefully and taking care of your skin through great skincare and a mindful lifestyle. 

Secondly, Dr Barbara Sturm who is the founder and namesake of her own brand who really has encapsulated the 'Nurture not Torture’ mantra. Her ethos is about believing in keeping your skincare simple, no harsh acids and highlights the importance of protecting the natural skin barrier to ensure the skin’s hydration to prevent fine lines and wrinkles, paired with a great diet.

Their knowledge combined along with a few other beauty experts advice has further enabled me to understand what are the next steps in my skincare routine now I am entering a new decade of my life. As I turn 30, the meaning of ‘conscious’ shines through as I am more mindful of my skincare choices, what I put into my body and my lifestyle because after all, I believe in #beautyfromwithin.

So in honour of my birthday, I thought I would list my TOP 30 GLOW GETTING products so without further ado, let’s dive in!


Maskologist Rose Hydrogel Mask 

Micro-Peeling Mask Maison Codage 

KNC Beauty Lip Masks

Patchology Restoring Night Eye Gels

Susanne Kauffman Moisturing Mask 

Bath, Body & Hair

Clary Collection Bath + Body Oil 

Irene Forte Rose Body Oi

Ches Edition 29 Hair Oil 

WOW, That was so hard to decide on, I really could’ve made this my top 100 haha. All of these products have been part of my beauty rituals over the past few years. Some of the products are there solely on their performance, others because of the way they make me feel or how they have become part of a ritual. And I’d also like to note:

I am quickly going to go back to the beginning of The Conscious Glow. I started this blog to share what I love, I promised to be authentic, discuss products I believe in, and I don’t currently accept advertisements to keep my content 100% authentic. I have pay for my products and treatments myself and am so excited to see where year 2 and turning 30 does for The Conscious Glow Getter! Thank you so much for being a part of this journey with me, it means so much!

XO Steph