Glowing Pregnancy Health Tips

Glowing Pregnancy Health Tips

Calling it a ‘pregnancy journey’ is putting it lightly. Everything around you (and in you!) is changing as you prepare to welcome your little one - there are ups and downs with nothing being linear. It is an extremely personal journey and as I enter the last month of my third pregnancy, I feel qualified to share my hard-learned and trusted tips and tricks. Every one of my pregnancies has been different and so read on to learn more of how I achieve my best, healthiest and glowing self through these nine months.

Much like they say how you’re a different parent to every child depending where you are in your life at the time and the environment surrounding you, it is the same when it comes to pregnancy. This pregnancy was by no means planned like my others, there was some serious lows in the beginning which I am happy to open up about in the coming months as I am sure it will help others out there…but I’ll save that for a future post. So on this third time around, knowing how hard it is on the other side to feel yourself again, I wanted to make it as easy as I could on myself. In doing so, I actually began to feel less aches and pains, plus generally feeling more energetic this time around. A major win all around! Body image plays a huge role in both pregnancy and postpartum emotions so this was a positive shift for me from my previous pregnancies.

One thing I will note, is that I know I have been very lucky to not suffer with severe morning sickness. I have a few friends that are hospitalised and pregnancy becomes completely debilitating, and also friends who have auto immune diseases which only get worse during this time. I want to highlight this is my personal journey and a few pointers that could help others during these sacred months…please feel free to drop a comment below with additional tips and tricks from your own journey! 


I’ve noticed the more I strive to maintain (as much as I can) the activity my body was accustomed to pre-pregnancy, the better my energy (for reference, I worked out 4/5x a week). Some days, especially in the first trimester I was very tired and the last thing I wanted to do was a work out but I would still make that time and adjust it to my energy levels. Then low and behold I would end up having more of an energy buzz afterwards and with the blood flowing less, would get less hormonal headaches. I also have found that the days I haven’t worked out my body tends to seize up and I have aches and pains. So here are what works outs I committed to throughout this pregnancy:

  • Private Pilates Reformer Classes with Camilla Vita Boutique Fitness

  • Online 45/60 min Work Outs - Functional Training Shirin Sharifian

  • 20 min Power Walk on Gradient Incline on the Treadmill

  • 60 min Home Work Outs with Aya 

  • Aqua Aerobics 

  • Mat Pilates 

2. DO YOU 

I cannot emphasise this enough - focus on what makes you happy. You are going through a whirlwind of hormonal changes and with that comes strange moods, highs and lows that no one really prepares you for, so it can all come as quite a shock. Whatever you enjoy doing, keep doing it, as long as it makes you feel good. Everyone always says to me why aren’t you slowing down, or oh, should you be doing that, etc. Well if I feel good and I know the baby is safe and thriving then why shouldn’t I? I still wear heels when I want too and this time even have my belly out which I was never a fan of before… thank you Rihanna! What I mean to say is that there’s so much advice coming at your at once, stay true to yourself and continue finding joy in the things, people and places you love.


After finishing breast feeding Valentina I started with Yudan, a dietician based online, monthly. I changed the way I ate, eating 5/6 small balanced meals daily, speeding up my metabolism and ensuring I didn’t over indulge. It truly worked and although I had to adapt it to pregnancy needs (he did it for me), I have felt the difference on eating a very low inflammatory diet. Less pains in the body as my inflammation is lower due to the clean, unprocessed food I am eating.

Of course, the sweet treats have come in (in moderation), but I would usually not eat chocolate regularly but then eventually I would cave in and overindulge rather than having a few pieces of dark chocolate on a regular basis. Or for instance, I can have a few bites of Mouse’s blueberry muffin rather than restricting myself and then binging when I get the chance. This was a shift in lifestyle, rather than a diet, that has changed my relationship with food for the better. DM me for more details. Here is an example of a plan for 3 days:

  1. Avocado toast with lightly salted salmon or sun-dried tomatoes

  2. Any grain 100g boiled, grilled vegetables 150g

  3. Any meat 150g, vegetables 100g raw

  4. Fruit 250g (include at four kinds of fruits) 

  5. Any meat 150g (can be grilled), raw green vegetables 70g, greens (herbs) 

  6. Greek yogurt 100ml, berries 100g 

This really showcases how I can have a thorough day of eating without restricting myself and focusing on nutrient dense, unprocessed meals. I also found them to be a great way to break down my day and plan my to do list accordingly.


I highly recommend reading my blog post on Anthrobotanica with this section as well!

We are all told during pregnancy, that we need to supplement with Folic Acid - not always easy in the first few months when you already feel nauseous and for some reason the tablets are always huge and daunting to take. There is lots of speculation about the need for extra vitamins during this time, even if you already have a well balanced diet. However, your body for sure needs a boost when it is working over time to create life!

For me the need for vitamins and supplements caught me during postpartum when you are already depleted, both emotionally and physically… I needed that boost of regular prenatal vitamin taking during the pregnancy, instead I hit rock bottom. I endured mastitis then covid and felt like I was floating for 3 months after until I was saved by Carolina Brooks who created a supplement routine for me including making my own herbs…I share more about that process in this blog post.

I’ve learned so much from her, including how generic vitamins and supplements aren’t always the best and most high street brands tend to have lots of fillers in them rather than active ingredients meant to be supplementing you. Working with Carolina, I have learned so many great brands that aren’t well known and worth the investment. This is uniquely personal to everyone so I encourage you to seek out an expert like Carolina to guide you on this part of your journey.


You knew this blog post wouldn’t end without touching on the beauty part! See below for the treatments I indulge in throughout my pregnancy journey.


These are a must for me, regardless of pregnancy, I’ve found that two week regular maintenance is key for me to feel uplifted and fresh even without makeup. Makeup is needed a little more now with the melasma (pigmentation) brought on by the pregnancy, however the lashes help give me that boost on the days I go makeup-free.

Regular Cellulite Slayer Treatments

These are shifted and adapted to pregnancy. They help with overall water retention and keeps me on the path of eating clean and taking care of myself!

Mani & Pedis

This is always a controversial topic with what you should be putting on your nails when pregnant. I wouldn’t go near acrylics or tips but some shellac or bio sculpture I am not afraid of, or just a regular polish. I tend to love short neutral nails, whether that’s a regular French polish (with a thin line) or a base coat like Romantique from CND. Either way, I love the loo and feel of a quality manicure and pedicure, as long as use polishes and techniques okay to proceed with during pregnancy. See this blog post for my favorite nail spots in London!

Regular Facials

For my sculpting and uplift there is no one I would rather go to than Minimal by Hadda, who has just opened her personal clinic in Knightsbridge which I’ve tried and loved. I went fo a 75 min total sculpt treatment which included: a deep cleanse, bespoke peel (pregnancy safe) with some extraction if needed followed by my favourite part…her facial massage techniques that not only uplift without the filler and botox but also send you in a state of relaxation, followed by some light therapy. Relaxing and leaves you with the best glow!

Medical Facials

For my more aesthetic medical skin care facial, I have been going to regular facials at Dr. David Jack mixing cleaning, peels, derma planning, pregnancy safe mesotherapy and whatever else they deem fit at the time. This has helped me with keeping everything (like the melasma) at bay as much as possible while helping me glow in a time of a skin health rollercoaster thanks to hormones!

I hope any of this might be helpful to you in your own pregnancy journey. Please always feel free to reach out if you any questions about anything I have written about or anything else pregnancy or beauty related. Pregnancy can be so daunting (and dr google is not qualified, I myself am guilty of relying on this) so if I can put your mind at ease in any way just send me a dm or leave a comment below! During this special journey it has been so important for me to speak openly about how I feel and ask qs to friends/family, I hope I can do the same for others.

xo steph